Monday, August 30, 2010

Art to come

After I get over my initial flu-tastic development on my part I will post some doodles and art class sketches.

For now I'll be over here, sneezing and wheezing under my cacoon of blankets. Mmrgh. Oh my body and its sexy sense of timing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brutally AU

Pfft, yeah. Just some doodles of AU demon raised Eddie's outfits. Since I am a weirdo and am trying to find a balance of what Eddie would look good in VS Tainted Coil attire. Even if I pretty much just ended up stealing inspiration from Darthscribbles.

Beyond that I doodled a tattoo design for Eddie, since I've been lobbing around the idea of him having one on his back. Obviously I am no tattoo artist. Just take it as an excuse for me to whip out my colored pencils. (Icarus here = Led Zep's mascot being at the top of the stairs. Cheesy I know.)


