Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hands hands hands and- dancing girls?!


Practice sketches get their own entry, lameish, but whatever its mah blog. I can do what I want!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More random drawings I've done over the course of this month, a few roughs of genderbent!Eddie Riggs, a drawing I did of Milla/Sasha's love children (all girls for the lulz) and a random Korean lady. I saw her on telly and had to draw her. I know the name is Chinese, but I was having a 'DURR HURR' moment back in May.




Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm oddly proud of this, especially since its a more believable looking female!Eddie in comparison to my last doodles of her/him.

I tried to keep the basic weight, muscles and density. Since I doubt Eddie would be a SUPAR SCRAWNY person in any universe.

Monday, July 12, 2010

This post shall be named lol what

Because it applies, heavily.

First a chibi drawing I made for a friends birthday~


Followed by a crazy fan character for Psychonauts.


A werewolf ladayyy


Scratchy doodles when I was having horrible cramps. (Proving why you should keep art supplies away from me when I'm feeling nasty.)


And finally more doodles based on Darth Scribbles work.

...Because I am weak. SHUT UP YOU GAIS.


Monday, July 5, 2010



Eddie's arms bug me like you wouldn't believe, but I do love the sentiment of BROHUGS to put this up at all.

...That an Heathers confused expression is the only reason I like this doodle at allll.

This happened sometime in a roleplay I play Eddie in, the topic of fathers came up in game. Heather's dad died a day before she was pulled in game, so she was broken up about it.

Eddie being Eddie comforted her with MANLY brohugs.

A link to the curious:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I don't even know what I should say about this next batch of doodles. They're just- odd. Two of them can at least be blamed on Darthscribbles. The cur. cur-ess?

The others can be blamed on my squish Amanda, we started joking about Eddie Riggs SOMEHOW meeting Snape from Harry Potter.

There would be lulz since Eddie is eternally 8D and Snape is >B/



